Saturday, May 10, 2008

Random Race Photos by request from Dave

I discovered that it is politically correct at the Race for the cure for people to use other wise inappropriate nomenclature for the female mammary. If you want to know the one's I heard you'll have to ask me. That way in case they make me an apostle I won't have to worry about being quoted in print.

Some fun shots including the guy with the man-boobs, the ask me guy, the puppies "fee-fee" and "brutus", beauty queens stalking Brad and Monica Bruin our friend from the ward.



Tastes Kinda Minty said...

The race was great fun to watch. So many people! It was interesting to think of how many people this cancer touches. A lot of the people were running for someone they knew or were related to. It was a happy day!

Dave said...

Nice. I was kind of hoping to see the shot of me with my iPod earbuds stuck up my nose though...

Eric said...

The guy with the man boobs looks like my kind of people. Do you have is contact info?

Tastes Kinda Minty said...

Hi Saric,
I read you post and asked Amy, who is saric? My first thought is that you were some kind of weirdo. So we clicked on your name and discovered that you have a blog. Wow. We didn't know that. You have some compelling posts. We will add yours as a bookmark. Also, may we have permission to put a link on our site for your blog.

And yes, I do have contact info for that man-boob guy, but you'll have to email me.


HR said...

David, can you hear better with the earbuds like that?