You can't top Angela Lansbury. – Heidi
I like frosting and I like to contribute to the igloo. – Heidi
That's very cute, but like a kitten we have no use for it. – David
I'm related to cyber-bullies. – Doug
A minimalist is just a lazy pessimist. – Doug (Copy-write violation on Twitter by Hugh)
I feel bad for them. If they weren't communists, I'd feel more bad. — Becky
I'm easily forgettable. — Becky
If I didn't have you I'd have a Dog. — Becky
Did you know that Heidi was a closet Barney watcher? — Brad
If I were a dinosaur I'd eat that tree. – Heidi
Sales Associate at Phantom Fireworks in Evanston: What are you looking for?
Sales Associate at Phantom Fireworks in Evanston: What are you looking for?
Customer with wife beater shirt: Big, Loud, Boom!
I'm glad I'm not married, so I don't have to deal with awkward people. – Heidi
Hey, you put russian words in my post. (See Heidi's Big Run) (Pause) Wait a minute, I can read russian! – Heidi
Why would you want to hold hands? Who knows where that hand's been! – Heidi
Mom, Is today Fast Sunday or Slow Sunday? — Avery
Oh Yea, Tell that to Johnny Marchant in ninth grade choir class! — Doug
Midgets get mean don't they? — Heidi
Hurry up and kiss me before it stinks! — Amy
I thought you went to state? — David
I was on the swim team and I didn't know how to swim. — Heidi
Do something...even if its wrong! — Marv
No matter what they throw at you, take it a step further. — Doug
Fools mock, but they shall mourn. — Ben
I'm taking out my GFI tracking so they can't find me. — Kevan
Respect yourself and respect the property of others. — Mesa County, Two Rules of Ditch Safety
By the way....I have said several very quotable things...am I on your darn (explictive modified) blog thing? — Duane
What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world. — Einstein
Did you get any on you? Just the green stuff, but it will wash off. — Marv
Wow! — Doug, regading David passing emissions
I'm official. I passed emissions and went to the DMV this morning. Good for another 11 months. — David
I would vote, but I'm not 14! — Kennerly
It tasted kinda minty. — Doug
I was riding shot gun....i remember feeling the icy blast of muddy water and gasping for breath. — Brad
The Journey is the destination. — Doug
I want to live long enough to be a burden to my children. — Marv
It's like air, I can take it or leave it. — Randy
Well Dear, Let's go to bed so these good folks can go home. — Doug
Somebody wiped us out of toilet paper. — Becky
Did you set that clock fast on purpose, or is it just running slow? — Doug
Hey, Do you have any chocolate in your pocket? — Amy
Mom, If you'd said naked you would have made the quote board. — Heidi
Do you guys ever hit your bones? — Heidi
Heidi's holding out for a stripping warrior. — Amy
I try to battle back with stubbornness and it doesn't work. — Dave
That's between you and the Lord, Babe. — Amy
If you put that on your blog I'll sue you. — Brad
Hey, you da man! — Doug
No I'm not, I'm Quinan! — Quinan
Would you order the liver again? — Waiter
I would if I liked it! — Heidi
Did that just bark at me? — David
Why do we have to live in a clean house? — Heidi
When I was a kid, we lived so far out in the country that when we went hunting we walked towards town. — Marv
When Amy came back from college, Sparkie wouldn't speak to her for over a month. — Becky
I'd rather look at someone than touch them. — Heidi
On quantum theory I use up more brain grease than on relativity. — Albert Einstein
I know...let's build flying buttresses...six of them. We'll put them on both sides. I know how to do it. — Brad
You're obsessed with the David's Quote Board. Why don't you build your own. — Heidi
Why would you want to hold hands? Who knows where that hand's been! – Heidi
Mom, Is today Fast Sunday or Slow Sunday? — Avery
Oh Yea, Tell that to Johnny Marchant in ninth grade choir class! — Doug
Midgets get mean don't they? — Heidi
Hurry up and kiss me before it stinks! — Amy
I thought you went to state? — David
I was on the swim team and I didn't know how to swim. — Heidi
Do something...even if its wrong! — Marv
No matter what they throw at you, take it a step further. — Doug
Fools mock, but they shall mourn. — Ben
I'm taking out my GFI tracking so they can't find me. — Kevan
Respect yourself and respect the property of others. — Mesa County, Two Rules of Ditch Safety
By the way....I have said several very quotable things...am I on your darn (explictive modified) blog thing? — Duane
What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world. — Einstein
Did you get any on you? Just the green stuff, but it will wash off. — Marv
Wow! — Doug, regading David passing emissions
I'm official. I passed emissions and went to the DMV this morning. Good for another 11 months. — David
I would vote, but I'm not 14! — Kennerly
It tasted kinda minty. — Doug
I was riding shot gun....i remember feeling the icy blast of muddy water and gasping for breath. — Brad
The Journey is the destination. — Doug
I want to live long enough to be a burden to my children. — Marv
It's like air, I can take it or leave it. — Randy
Well Dear, Let's go to bed so these good folks can go home. — Doug
Somebody wiped us out of toilet paper. — Becky
Did you set that clock fast on purpose, or is it just running slow? — Doug
Hey, Do you have any chocolate in your pocket? — Amy
Mom, If you'd said naked you would have made the quote board. — Heidi
Do you guys ever hit your bones? — Heidi
Heidi's holding out for a stripping warrior. — Amy
I try to battle back with stubbornness and it doesn't work. — Dave
That's between you and the Lord, Babe. — Amy
If you put that on your blog I'll sue you. — Brad
Hey, you da man! — Doug
No I'm not, I'm Quinan! — Quinan
Would you order the liver again? — Waiter
I would if I liked it! — Heidi
Did that just bark at me? — David
Why do we have to live in a clean house? — Heidi
When I was a kid, we lived so far out in the country that when we went hunting we walked towards town. — Marv
When Amy came back from college, Sparkie wouldn't speak to her for over a month. — Becky
I'd rather look at someone than touch them. — Heidi
On quantum theory I use up more brain grease than on relativity. — Albert Einstein
I know...let's build flying buttresses...six of them. We'll put them on both sides. I know how to do it. — Brad
You're obsessed with the David's Quote Board. Why don't you build your own. — Heidi
Who are these crazy people?
I love the quote board. It never gets old to re-read it every now and then.
Others may not think so , but I think we are darn funny people and borderline weird. I think that's why I enjoy our family so much!
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