Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our Almost Square Foot Garden

Enjoy some photos of our almost square foot garden. Our boxes in length are odd amounts and in width are within a few inches of a foot. But Becky loves the odd sizes, they remind her of me. We've got radishes and lettuce sprouting. It's amazing what can grow with a little sun and water. 

We did some minor terracing and installed stepping stones, and bark in the paths for esthetics. We used mule-tape for space dividers and also ran horizontal support lines, indented slightly,from the fence for snow-peas and such to run up. We're excited to watch our garden grow. We've had some great inspiration and guidance from Grandpa and siblings. As you can see we built our boxes in the same garden plot as we had before. We do think it looks a little more interesting and are confident we'll get a lot more yield in the same garden space.


Anonymous said...

I hope you find that SFG doesn't taste kind of minty.

HR said...

These look fabulous! I especially love the modern look the mule provides.

Tastes Kinda Minty said...

Hi Kenn,
Thanks for your concern. The SFG doesn't but the mushroom compost does.