He really is a mechanical genius. When he was a kid he'd find screw drivers, butter knifes and pliers and would take apart anything he could find, clocks and radios, anything.
He always loved to drive. Even when he could barely walk. He'd open the door to the car, climb in and put the car in reverse. Some how he figured out how, released the emergency brake and push the starter button, (I think Terry probably taught him) and that would roll the car out in the street. He did this more than once. He was never good about getting it back into the driveway, but then again he was only about two.
He has always had a gift to see anything mechanical or electrical and know what it looks like under the case and understand how it works. He studied and worked hard to develop his skills and expand his knowledge. He's basically our own little in-house walking wikipedia.
Whenever the furnace, washer, dryer or other goes out, we call him and he is always able to listen to my explanation of what is wrong and then diagnose how to fix it. Did I mention he's a genius. He spent hundreds of hours helping us when we built our house in Grand Junction. He also wore out our couch sleeping on it.
Anyway we love Trevor and I truly appreciate his countless hours of service in our behalf.
Yes we do love Trevor. Where would be with out him. Not only mechanically, but he is also a very fun guy to have around! The only bad thing about him marrying JoAnne was that we didn't see him as often!
Trevor has helped us in countless ways as well. Recently he (twice) diagnosed our failed air conditioner (remember we live in Las Vegas) over the phone in about a minute and went out of his way to help me get replacement parts (along with installation instructions).
My earliest memory of Trevor's kindness was when I was about 5 and he took me with him to the A&W drive-in on Main Street. That was a delicious treat. I wonder if any others in the second family remember that?
Oh, and Trevor always had hot cars! Trevor, didn't you have a suped-up Nova in the mid '70s?
Trevor was also the one that taught me that the "hands on the bumper game" wasn't really a game after all.
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