Thomas S. Monson, “Examples of Righteousness,” Ensign, May 2008, 65–68
random observations, stories & epiphany
After being set apart by the Stake President Charles Rudd Sister Heidi Roper began serving her mission by entering the MTC in Provo on Wednesday, February 4, 2009. Sister Roper has been called to serve in the Brazil Rio De Janeiro Mission and was supposed to fly directly to Sao Paulo to learn Portuguese there. About thirty five missionaries called to serve in Brazil, did not receive their visas in time so a class was started in Provo. There they began to learn the Portugal style of the language.
Two weeks later she received her visa along with everyone except one lone Elder. Arrangements were made and that group began their journey by the leaving the Salt Lake City Airport on Feb. 17th.
Her family received a few letters from her and she reports to being very happy. She reports that she already loves Brazil and noted the following: “Being in the Brasil airport was interesting. There were so many people and some of their lines and stuff weren't very efficient but it was fun to feel immersed with the Brazilian people, despite the fact that I don’t speak the language yet.
Once we got through security and customs and there was a cute little Brazilian man who picked us up and got us on the right van. Driving to the CTM was awesome! I don’t think there are any traffic laws except one; no road rage. Everyone just goes, and swerves in and out of each other. They just plow their own way down the highway. People get cut off all the time but they are totally chill with each other and no one gets frustrated our mad. It really is incredible because in America people are much more intense.
It was interesting driving through Sao Paulo because it didn’t seem real, but then it did all at the same time. I just know that this is where I am supposed to be. They have some pretty big canals in the city by the highways. I understand why I won’t be able to drink water from the tap now; yeah that water is pretty nasty. The city is crazy because there is a huge contrast of nice and ghetto right next to each other. There are many hills that have little cement houses built on top of each other. We are so blessed.
The CTM is way more chill than the MTC. Some rules at the MTC in Provo don’t even apply here. I love the food here too. I literally eat beans and rice almost every meal every day. They have other stuff too but the beans and rice are my favorite! It is sooo good. Every meal is a treat.
No one ever told me about Brazil’s amazing BBQ sauce! I think I have already eaten a whole bottle by now. Sis. Lundstrom, my companion thinks I am crazy but this stuff tastes so good on their meat, the rice and beans, the bread...everything, I love it.
The rooms here are 100 times nicer than Provo and a lot cleaner too. There are four Sisters in our room. We have two Brazilian roommates and I love them. They don’t speak much English and whenever I try to speak Portuguese they always respond in Portuguese and it sounds like this "adasdlkfjbelak aldflakljadf cbabe alkdabceladlfka" they speak so fast and I still really have no idea how to differentiate between different words. But it sounds good though, right?
Their names are Sister Da Silva and Sister Santos. I love them a lot even though we can hardly communicate. We have apartment prayer together, and sometimes and we will all laugh about random things. I want to be able to communicate with them so bad but so far the language is coming slowly. I am going street contacting on Friday! I am so excited. I know that it will be hard for me but I am really excited. I am sure I will have some good stories to tell you all next week. I know the language will come. Some days I am better at having faith than others, but I made a pact with myself to never say again that I won’t learn the language. Instead I will learn the language!
Most of the missionaries here are Brazilian and so we eat a lot of our meals with them and just talk to them a lot. Everyone is so nice; even when they laugh at my attempts to speak.” (In Portuguese the R’s are often pronounced with an H sound) Many of the missionaries here call me Sister Hope when they read my name tag and I absolutely love it when they do.
We went to the Campinas Templo today and I loved it. It had some of the prettiest art work and the whole interior was gorgeous. It was such a comfort to hear the covenants that I have made and feel recommitted to this great work that I am privileged to be a part of.
Attending the temple was a major highlight of my week. I love my Savior Jesus Cristo and am so grateful for the atonement and his gospel on the earth today. What a blessing in my life!”
Eu amo voces muito!
I love you all a lot!
Sister Roper - Sister Hope!